7 Mini-Mindfulness Practices

Thankful Ways

Our lives are characterized by multiple responsibilities and we all need to learn to better navigate change on a regular basis. To keep up with what needs to be done and to continue to learn, expand and grow, we need regular practices to become present to the present in the present. Below you will find 7 simple yet powerful and empowering mojo moments to get you in the zone, renew your energy and optimize your performance.

1. One Minute-Zen

The breath is the quickest way to connect to your presence in the present. Shift your attention gently to your chest and notice it’s movement. Now shift your focus to your in-breath while at the same time observing the rise and fall of your chest as you inhale and exhale. Relax into this gentle dance of your breathing for a minute. End this one minute practice with a statement of appreciation.

2. Mindful Observation

This exercise is simple but incredibly powerful. Allow your gaze/memory and awareness to scan your surroundings or memory bank. Focus on something that appears naturally, such as a flower, an inspiring sky, flowing water – whatever you connect with positively. Enjoy this appreciative experience for a minute or so, bringing your attention more fully into this vision. Notice the positive feelings generated in your body.

3. Touch point Experiences

What are some of the things that make up a regular part of your daily experience? These might be physical experiences that engage any of your physical senses. This may be an action such as picking up a book, opening the fridge or turning the faucet of a tap. The points of connection might be ‘mental’, having their point of origin in your thoughts – this may involve bringing to mind a particular memory (positive or not). Take a moment to write down any single statement of appreciation that will serve as a connecting touch point. For the rest of the day, each time you engage the particular physical or mental touch point, recall the connecting touch point to add new harmony into your experience.

4. Appreciative Listening

This is the same as appreciative self-observation. Think of something that you did during the course of the day. It might have been that you took a shower, or walked a little, went up stairs, prepared a meal, or spoke to someone. At the same time, listen to your self-talk, your own inner voice and what you are telling yourself about this ‘event’ or moment in time. Notice the softer parts of your voice, signs of compassion and ease. Relax into the rhythm and imagine that it is becoming synchronized to some gentle flowing sound, bird song, the lapping of waves, or the sound of flowing water. This can be any sound you appreciate. Notice how you feel more relaxed when you do this

5. Be More Fully Present to a Regular Activity

Take a regular activity that you don’t usually give much conscious attention to and experience it in a new way. For example, in the next ten minutes, pause at some action/activity, even the activity of thinking while sitting, standing up or reaching for something. Take a breath or two and as you let out your breath, observe yourself doing what you do. Savor the moment, at the same time bringing to awareness anything you are thankful for.

6. The Big Five

This is my favourite mojomo. What you need to do is to pause, take in a deep breath, let it out… and then turn your attention to what is present in the present. Relax and open your awareness to notice five things in your day that you may not usually notice. Engage your senses, see what you see, hear what you hear and connect to the present in a more appreciative way. Look beyond where conditioning might distract you from an appreciative perspective.

You may notice a flower, a scent, a smile or simply a sense of spaciousness and well-being. Enhance the positive sensations that you are connecting to.

7. Thankfulness

This final mini-meditation is one of simple and at the same time recharging gratitude. Think of 5 things you are grateful for. Write these down. Read each of these ‘gratitudes’ out loud one by one.